Since 2006, the place to look for a house in Portugal

Data protection policy

To comply with the data protection Act (GDPR) we inform you that our website (as well as the contact forms) do not use tools to capture data for later use in advertising or for any other purpose. The data collected is only used for the intended purpose.

Use of Cookies

The use of cookies on our site only serves to improve the performance of the user. When navigating on the site small text files are added through the browser you are using on your device for a better performance in future visits. Cookies (essential) that are used on our site does not collect information that can identify the user, only collect information on how any user accesses to the site as well as its location in the country or in the world for statistical purposes and referencing by search engines.

Secure hosting

Our website is hosted on dedicated server with all the requirements of safety certificates, reducing or cancelling this way any attempt of intrusion by unauthorized third parties, warranty provided by our hosting service provider.